Intelligent PC (دانلود رایگان)

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Intelligent PCs
Last modified February 6, 2006
His hardware is equipped with more than 200 temperature sensors; your PC most often with less than three.
Courtesy and © Gripen International®
The Human Thought
When using our computer technology as a metaphor for the human thought we let it share similarities with what the somatic part of our nervous system is capable of providing, but the human body is also endowed with an autonomic one. Functioning below the conscious level, one of the the main tasks for the human autonomic nervous system is to mediate the neuronal regulation of our bodies internal environment; this by centralized coordinated control in our brains' hypothalamus and limbic system due to information provided by receptors.
The personal computer (PC) systems today in general use very few receptors. They also lack central coordinated control of their internal environments, and demand for power. A metaphor for the concept described below could therefore be that the next generation personal computer systems can become improved by being equipped with autonomic nervous systems.
In other words: Personal computer hardware monitoring and control can be much further improved; making it easier to minimize their acoustic noise emissions, energy consumption and heat dissipation, while maintaining the need for further increased performance and reliability.
Man's Imperfection
The optimal technical solutions must be those providing exactly what they are intended for, with no side-effects at all, and as cheaply as possible. Technology without any unwanted side-effects is seldom possible, imperfect as we humans are. Regarding PCs, acoustic noise emission as an unwanted side-effect is just one example of our shortcomings. An other, of growing importance, is heat.
In a perfect World electronic circuits and mechanical devices wouldn't generate any heat at all, and consume only the power needed for their actual work. Today we are able to produce electronic circuits and mechanical devices that run rather cool, and consume little power. If we want them to run as fast as possible - and this is most often what we want, then we still have to accept that they generate a lot of unwanted heat and consume a lot more power than actually needed. Heat do threaten the reliability of electronic circuits and mechanical devices, and must therefore be kept as low as possible.
If heat wasn't an issue PC noise emissions would be easy solved just by enclosing the noise generating components or the whole system unit in noise dampening material. This is rarely possible, because the material that has to be used will at the same time tend to further increase temperature.
Noiseless cooling of PC electronic circuits and mechanical devices using passive convection can be a solution to these machines' heat issues, but current practice often results in separate active cooling solutions for each of the main PC components. Those active cooling solutions being mechanical devices like fans, not only minimize heat, but also tend to add to the other PC technology main unwanted side effect - noise.
Active cooling solutions not only tend to add PC noise, but also needs energy to do their job, increasing the power consumption of PCs.
Image of Flotherm® software thermal analysis. Courtesy of Flomerics®

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