Vocabulary is an essential element in learning English. There are many strategies that teachers can

دسته بندي : انسانی » ادبیات
Vocabulary is an essential element in learning English. There are many strategies that teachers can use to teach vocabulary, especially to young learners. One of these solutions is to use educational games to teach vocabulary more effectively. The purpose of this semi-experimental research is to investigate the effect of using educational games on the vocabulary learning of 10-15 year old children. This research was conducted in a gamenet in Tehran province, where the participants were 135 students, the participants were divided into two control and experimental groups. The experimental and control groups each included twenty students. The experimental group was trained using games in which the children participated. On the other hand, the control group was trained using a more traditional method with repetition. Vocabulary-based test was given as pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test for both groups. This study showed that using computer-based educational games and emotional intelligence as a learning technique with young learners increases learner engagement, improves knowledge acquisition and retention, and gives learners the opportunity to see real word usage. Based on this, this research recommends the use of educational games in more creative teaching of vocabulary to young language learners.
دسته بندی: انسانی » ادبیات

تعداد مشاهده: 3890 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 17

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